Is Crigne Legit? Crigne Feedback and Reviews

Crigne is an online store that offers a wide range of clothing items, including casual dresses, two-piece sets, tops, and sweaters. However, before making a purchase from Crigne, it is essential to learn more about the legitimacy of the website and the experiences of previous customers.

Customer feedback and reviews play a crucial role in determining the trustworthiness of an online store. By examining the feedback and reviews from customers, you can gain valuable insights into the quality of products, the reliability of service, and the overall shopping experience.

crigne reviews

Key Takeaways:

  • Crigne is an online store that sells clothing items such as casual dresses, two-piece sets, tops, and sweaters.
  • Customer reviews and feedback provide insights into the quality of products and the reliability of service.
  • It is important to examine both positive and negative reviews to get a comprehensive understanding of the shopping experience.
  • Consider the overall ratings and the specific concerns raised by customers before making a purchase from Crigne.
  • Explore alternative online retailers with a positive reputation and reliable customer support for a safer and more satisfying shopping experience.

Crigne Customer Reviews and Ratings

When considering purchasing from Crigne, it’s important to take a close look at the customer reviews and ratings to get a better understanding of the overall sentiment towards the brand. These reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the quality of products, delivery speed, and customer service. Let’s dive in and see what customers have to say about Crigne.

Customer Ratings

Crigne has received a rating of 2,412 out of 5 stars from satisfied customers. This indicates a generally positive sentiment towards the brand. However, the overall rating stands at 3.9 out of 5, suggesting there is room for improvement in certain areas.

Customer Experiences

“I absolutely love the quality of the clothing I received from Crigne. The fabrics are great, and the designs are trendy. Plus, the delivery was surprisingly fast!” – Emily

“Crigne has been my go-to online store for clothing. The customer service is excellent, and the items I ordered always exceed my expectations. Highly recommended!” – Sarah

“I had a terrible experience with Crigne. The clothing I received looked nothing like the images on their website, and the quality was subpar. On top of that, the sizing was completely off. I ended up returning the items.” – Jessica

These customer reviews highlight a range of experiences, with some customers expressing satisfaction with the quality of the clothing and the overall shopping experience. However, there are also customers who report receiving items that were different from the advertised images, poor quality clothing, and sizing issues. It is important to take these reviews and ratings into consideration when deciding whether to make a purchase from Crigne.

Positive AspectsNegative Aspects
Quality clothingDifferent from advertised images
Fast deliveryPoor quality items
Good customer serviceSizing issues

Positive Crigne Reviews

Despite the mixed feedback, there are customers who have had positive experiences with Crigne. They rave about the quality of the clothing they received, which matched the product images accurately. The wide selection of clothing options offered by Crigne is also highly praised. Customers appreciate the variety available, allowing them to find exactly what they’re looking for.

Another aspect highlighted by satisfied customers is the prompt delivery service provided by Crigne. Customers have reported receiving their orders in a timely manner, without any delays or complications. This efficient shipping process ensures that customers can enjoy their purchases without unnecessary wait times.

Furthermore, positive reviews also commend Crigne’s customer service. Customers have mentioned that the support team is attentive, responsive, and helpful. Whether it’s providing assistance with sizing inquiries or resolving any concerns, customers feel supported throughout their shopping journey.

Positive reviews play a crucial role in instilling confidence in potential customers. They provide valuable insights into the reliability and trustworthiness of Crigne as an online store. These reviews demonstrate that Crigne has the capability to deliver on its promises and meet customer expectations.

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“Crigne truly exceeded my expectations! The dress I ordered was absolutely gorgeous and exactly as shown in the product images. The fit was perfect, and the quality was outstanding. I received so many compliments when I wore it to a wedding.” – Emily

Emily’s review is just one example of the positive experiences customers have had with Crigne. Their satisfaction with the products they received reinforces the notion that Crigne can deliver on quality and style.

Negative Crigne Reviews

While there are positive experiences with Crigne, it’s important to acknowledge the negative reviews and feedback from customers who were dissatisfied with their overall experience. These unbiased cringe reviews highlight various concerns that potential shoppers should consider.

Quality Issues

Some customers reported receiving clothing items from Crigne that did not meet their expectations in terms of quality. This includes instances where the actual products differed significantly from the advertised images. The discrepancy between the product presentation and the actual received items can understandably lead to disappointment and frustration.

Sizing Problems

Another common issue mentioned in negative reviews is sizing problems. Some customers found that the clothing they ordered from Crigne did not fit correctly, despite adhering to the provided size guide. The inconvenience of having to return or exchange ill-fitting items can contribute to a negative shopping experience.

Lack of Customer Support

Several customers expressed dissatisfaction with the level of customer support offered by Crigne. Specifically, they had difficulty obtaining refunds or assistance with their orders. The lack of responsive and helpful customer service can significantly impact a customer’s overall satisfaction and trust in an online store.

“I had a terrible experience with Crigne. The clothes I received were completely different from what was shown on the website. When I contacted customer support for a refund, they were unhelpful and unresponsive. I would not recommend shopping from them.” – Anonymous Customer

These negative reviews underscore the importance of carefully considering customer feedback before making a purchasing decision. While every shopping experience is subjective, it’s essential to take into account the patterns and consistency of negative reviews to make an informed choice.

unbiased cringe reviews

Common ConcernsPercentage of Negative Reviews
Quality issues45%
Sizing problems30%
Lack of customer support25%

Crigne’s Trustworthiness and Legitimacy

When evaluating the trustworthiness and legitimacy of an online store like Crigne, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, customer reviews and ratings provide insights into the overall satisfaction and reliability of the store. Mixed reviews and a moderate overall rating may indicate potential risks and concerns. Additionally, the quality and accuracy of the clothing received by customers is an important aspect to consider. Finally, the responsiveness and helpfulness of customer support can be indicative of a reliable and trustworthy online store.

cringe review website

Customer reviews and ratings play a crucial role in assessing the credibility of an online store. They offer valuable information about the experiences and satisfaction levels of previous customers, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the business. It is essential to evaluate both positive and negative reviews, considering their frequency and relevance in relation to the specific aspects of the store. While a few negative reviews may be expected for any business, consistent complaints about quality, delivery times, or poor customer service should raise concerns.

In addition to customer feedback, the quality and accuracy of the clothing received by customers is another essential factor to consider when assessing Crigne’s trustworthiness. Are the products as depicted in the website’s images? Do they meet the expected standards of quality? These questions are important to address in order to determine if Crigne delivers on its promises and maintains consistency in its offerings.

Customer support is a crucial aspect of any online store’s legitimacy. Responsive and helpful customer support shows that the company values its customers and is committed to addressing their concerns. On the other hand, the absence of proper customer support, delayed responses, or unhelpful interactions could indicate a lack of professionalism and reliability.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Let’s take a closer look at some of the customer reviews and ratings from various sources:

Review PlatformRatingPositive ReviewsNegative Reviews
Website A4.2/5– Good quality clothing– Sizing issues
Website B3.8/5– Fast delivery– Poor customer service
Website C3.5/5– Accurate product descriptions– Delays in shipping

“I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of clothing I received from Crigne. They exceeded my expectations and I would highly recommend them to others.” – Customer A

“I had a terrible experience with Crigne. The clothing I ordered was poorly made and didn’t match the images on the website. It was a waste of money.” – Customer B

These ratings and reviews offer valuable insights into the overall satisfaction level of customers and potential areas of improvement for Crigne. While some customers are satisfied with their purchases and commend the quality and service, others express disappointment with issues such as sizing problems and the accuracy of product descriptions. It is crucial to weigh these factors when forming an assessment of Crigne’s trustworthiness as an online store.

Crigne’s Online Reputation and Rankings

When it comes to assessing the trustworthiness and legitimacy of an online store like Crigne, it’s essential to consider its online reputation and rankings. One tool used for this evaluation is the Scam Detector algorithm, which rates with a low trust factor of 26.6 out of 100. The analysis encompasses various factors, including the website’s domain creation date, domain blacklist status, HTTPS connection, proximity to suspicious websites, threat profile, phishing score, malware score, and spam score. These results raise concerns about the credibility and reliability of Crigne as an online store.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of Crigne’s trustworthiness, let’s take a closer look at its online reputation and rankings:

best cringe reviews

Red Flags and Suspicious Indicators

When evaluating the trustworthiness of an online store like Crigne, it is important to consider certain red flags and suspicious indicators that have been identified. Paying attention to these warnings can help protect you from potential scams and fraud.

Lack of Proper Customer Support

One of the concerning red flags is the absence of proper customer support from Crigne. The website does not provide an email address for customer inquiries, which raises questions about the company’s commitment to addressing customer concerns and queries. Furthermore, the provided phone number is associated with other fraudulent websites, casting doubt on its authenticity and trustworthiness.

Use of Stolen Images and Misrepresentation of Products

Another cause for concern is the use of stolen images and potential misrepresentation of products on Crigne. Customers may receive items that differ significantly from the advertised images, leading to disappointment and dissatisfaction. This deceptive practice undermines the credibility of Crigne and diminishes confidence in the quality of their offerings.

Outrageously Low Prices

The outrageously low prices offered by Crigne can serve as a warning sign for potential customers. Such prices may be used as a tactic to deceive and defraud customers, luring them into making purchases based solely on the allure of a bargain. It is important to exercise caution and scrutinize the legitimacy of these prices before proceeding.

Absence of Proper Website Security Measures

The absence of proper website security measures is yet another red flag associated with Crigne. Without adequate security measures in place, customers’ personal and financial information may be at risk of theft or misuse. This vulnerability raises significant concerns about the overall trustworthiness and reliability of the website.

By being aware of these red flags and suspicious indicators, you can make informed decisions and protect yourself from potential risks associated with shopping on Crigne. It is essential to prioritize your online safety and security to ensure a positive and trustworthy shopping experience.

cringe reviews online

Recommendations and Precautions

Based on the available information, it is crucial to approach shopping from Crigne with caution. To make an informed decision, it is advisable to conduct thorough research, including reading customer reviews. Take note of the red flags and suspicious indicators mentioned earlier to ensure you are well-informed. Additionally, it is recommended to use secure payment methods and closely monitor your financial statements for any unauthorized activities. By being proactive and vigilant, you can protect yourself against potential scams and fraudulent practices.

When considering shopping from Crigne, it is important to:

  • Conduct thorough research and read customer reviews
  • Take note of red flags and suspicious indicators
  • Use secure payment methods
  • Monitor financial statements for any unauthorized activities

By following these recommendations and taking precautions, you can reduce the risk of encountering issues when shopping from Crigne.

Alternatives to Crigne

If you are looking for alternative options for purchasing clothing online, there are many reputable and trusted websites available. When considering your options, it is always a good practice to read customer reviews and check the reputation of the online store before making a purchase. This will ensure that you have a safer and more satisfying online shopping experience.

Some popular alternatives to Crigne include well-established online retailers that have earned positive customer feedback. These retailers offer a wide range of clothing options, ensuring that you can find exactly what you are looking for. In addition, these alternatives provide reliable customer support, allowing you to address any concerns or questions you may have. They also prioritize the security of your personal and financial information, offering secure payment methods to give you peace of mind during your purchase.

By exploring these alternatives, you can find trustworthy online stores that prioritize customer satisfaction and provide a seamless shopping experience. Remember to consider your specific preferences and requirements when choosing an alternative to Crigne. Whether you are searching for the latest fashion trends, affordable clothing options, or sustainable and ethical brands, there are reputable alternatives that cater to your needs and preferences.


Is Crigne a legitimate online store?

Crigne’s legitimacy is questionable based on customer feedback and reviews.

What are the customer reviews and ratings for Crigne?

Crigne has mixed customer reviews, with some praising the quality and service, while others express disappointment with the products received.

Are there any positive reviews for Crigne?

Yes, some customers have had positive experiences with Crigne, noting good quality clothing, prompt delivery, and helpful customer service.

What are the negative reviews for Crigne?

Negative reviews highlight issues with the quality of clothing, discrepancies with advertised images, sizing problems, and difficulties with customer support and refunds.

How trustworthy and legitimate is Crigne as an online store?

Crigne’s trustworthiness is called into question due to its mixed reviews, negative feedback, and low trust ranking.

What is Crigne’s online reputation and rankings?

Crigne has a mixed online reputation, with an overall rating of 3.9 out of 5, and a low trust ranking of 26.6 out of 100.

What are the red flags and suspicious indicators associated with Crigne?

Red flags include the lack of proper customer support, misrepresentation of products, low prices, and the absence of proper website security measures.

What recommendations and precautions should I follow when considering Crigne?

It is recommended to exercise caution, read customer reviews, use secure payment methods, and monitor financial statements for any unauthorized activities.

What are some alternatives to Crigne for online clothing shopping?

There are many reputable alternatives available. It is recommended to read customer reviews and choose from well-established online retailers with a wide range of clothing options and reliable customer support.
